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How Does Nighttime Snacking Impact Sleep Quality?

"Unhealthy late-night eating behaviors make people less productive at work the next day…"

"There are ingredients that have evidence of helping improve sleep quality."

"People around the world show remarkable similarity in their daily eating habits: meals start off healthy in the morning but get progressively worse throughout the day – until by nightfall we're deep into junk food territory."

"What you eat, drink, and do in the hours leading up to bedtime can make or break how well you sleep."

"The foods you eat can both negatively and positively impact your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and most importantly, feel rested when you wake up."

"At night, we naturally crave snacks that are high in sugar, fat, and calories. Unfortunately, those are also the things we should be avoiding."

"On average, adults snack before bedtime 3.9 nights each week. To get better sleep, make better nighttime snack choices."
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